San Francisco Sightseeing Tours  

Things To Do In San Francisco

Things to Do in San Francisco
Other Sites of Interest
San Francisco has a vareity of weather, even on one day

Weather in SF

Be sure to check out the weather. With its seven hills, and expanse from the Pacific to the Bay, San Francisco has a variety of weather—all on the same day. You can find And you can often find fog in one part of the city or another.

Executive Inn Living RoomExecutive Inn Kitchen

Executive Suite On San Francisco Waterfront

SF Victorians

San Franciscan architecture from the Victorian era

Country Cottage Bed and Breakfast Dining Room

Country Cottage Bed and Breakfast

Located in a quiet, cozy neighborhood and near an abundance of superb, moderately priced restaurants, coffee houses and internet cafes. The Country Cottage offers easy access to the heart of the City at an very affordable price!


Enjoy the wonderful California mixture of cuisine

Country Cottage Bed and Breakfast

Yahoo! San Francisco

Find out what's going on in San Francisco before you get there at this all-inclusive guide.

SF Symphony

Award-winning performances of classical music in San Francisco


SF Opera

World class opera in the opulent San Francisco Opera House.



Cool widgets, gadgets, and yeah, the kids love it too.


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